Swift Language
Learn a modern and expressive programming language developed by Apple Inc. for IOS and Mac. Also, learn to implement conditions and programming functionalities in an easy way.

Swift Programming Language
This section provides a complete overview of Swift Programming and helps students to start their journey in IOS App Development and Learn Programming syntax using Swift.
- Overview of Swift, History
- Swift Environment, Basic Syntax
- Data Types and Variables
- Constants and Literals
- Operators and Decision Making
- Loops
- Characters and Strings
- Swift Functions
- Swift Arrays and Dictionaries
- Classes
- Properties and Methods
- Inheritance
Skill Benefit
- Enhanced programming skills
- Develop Logic building skills
Major Project
- Reminder App
Advance Swift
This section covers how students will learn the advanced concepts like ARC, recursion, and extensions in Swift Programming and implements them in the project.
- ARC Overview and Type Casting
- Extensions and Protocols
- Mini Project
- Swift Recursion
- Swift Json
- Swift Enum and Struct
- Error Handling
- Generic and Extensions
- Access Control and Type Alias
Learning Outcomes
Learn Programming skill using Swift Language and how to implement the functionalities in MAC OSX.
IOS Development with Xcode
Develop inspired and popular IOS App in XCode IDE using Swift Language and deploy them in App Store.
Advance IOS Development
This section explains how students will develop the apps using the Coredata database, notifications, and location-based tools and deploy them through the App Store.
- Coredata Introduction
- Managed Object Model
- Persistent Object Cordinator
- Alarm Clock App
- Animations App
- Calling and Messages in App
- Audio and Video App
- Sending Notifications
- Sending Email Message
- Integrating Maps
- Weather App
- XML and JSON Integration
- Social Integration
- Location based App with Map Integration
- App Deployment
Major Project
- Notes App
- Weather App
IOS App Development - Xcode IDE
This section provides a complete overview of Xcode IDE and students will implement the IOS Apps using components and layouts.
- Introduction to Xcode IDE
- Installation and versions, Architecture Pattern
- Create your first application
- Interface Builder and Storyboard
- View and viewcontrollers
- IOS UI Controls- Label, Button, Textfield
- IOS UI Controls- Slider, Stepper, Switch, Segmented Control
- Content Views-Activity Indicator, ImageView, PickerView
- Content Views- ProgressView, MapView, WebView
- Views and UIViewController
- Reminder App
- Autolayouts
- TableView and TableViewController
- Tabbar and TabbarController
- Navigation Bar and Navigation Controller
- Toolbar Controller
- Notes App
Skill Benefit
- Enhance Creative Skills
- Development Skills
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to develop IOS Applications
- Develop real life applications and deploy the apps in App Store
Level 1
30 Hours
- 1:1 Personalised and Customised Live Sessions
- Access to E-Learning Resources and Community
- After-Class Assignments and Quizzes
- Work on Real-Time Projects
- Course Level Completion Certificate
- 24x7 Customer Support
Level 2
38 Hours
- 1:1 Personalised and Customised Live Sessions
- Access to E-Learning Resources and Community
- After-Class Assignments and Quizzes
- Work on Real-Time Projects
- Motivational Sessions
- Course Level Completion Certificate
- 24x7 Customer Support
Level 3
40 Hours
- 1:1 Personalised and Customised Live Sessions
- Access to E-Learning Resources and Community
- After-Class Assignments and Quizzes
- Work on Real-Time Projects
- Personality Development Sessions
- Mindfullness Activity
- App Deployment
- 24x7 Customer Support
- Course Completion Certificate
IOS Development using Swift and Ethical Hacking
108 Hours
- Personalised Learning
- Deploy your own project and App
- Focus on Personality Development
- Focus on Extra Curriculum Activities
- Access of E-learning portal, Project Gallery and Community
- Course Completion Certificate
- Prepare for Course Certifications
Cyber Security/Ethical Hacking
Cybersecurity is the practise of protecting systems, networks, and programmes from digital attacks. Learn Ethical hacking tools to protect and measure the combat threats against network systems and applications.
Introduction to Cyber Security
This section provides a complete overview of Cyber Security and of its types. The student will learn the prevention and protection measures against Cyber Attacks.
- Introduction to Cyber Security
- Hacking Overview
- Types of Malware
- Sniffing
- SQL Injection
- Cyber Security Breaches
- Case Study
- Cyber Attacks and Cyberstalking
- Types of Cyber attacks
- Scope variables
- Preventions and it's Types
- Prevention Tips
- Mobile Protection
- Social Security Protection
Cyber Security with Linux
This section covers the various ethical hacking tools and commands using the Linux Operating System.
- Linux Operating System
- Virtual Machine
- Virtual Box
- Kali Linux
- Entering the Kali Linux
- Implement Linux Command on project
- Critical Cyber Threats
- Vulņerability Analysis (VA)
- Defence Against
- Testing - Penetration
Major Project
- Case Study on Cyber Security App
Learning Outcomes
- Learn Linux commands
- Types of Ethical Hacking
- Implement command to secure data using different Ethical Tools
Skill Benefit
- Enhance Analytical Skills
- Working with Preventions and Precautions