Core Java
Learn the high-level Programming Techniques with Java general purpose and Object-Oriented Programming concepts.

Overview of Java and Programming Structure
This section covers the Java Overview and the basic concepts of Java Programming. The student will create a project on the basics of logic implemented in programs.It helps the students enhance their high-level programming skills.

- Introduction to Java, Setting up the Editor
- Variables, Datatypes and Operators
- Decision Making in Java
- Looping and Loop Control Statement
- Mini Project - Menu Driven Maths Project
- Function
OOPs Concepts
This section covers the advanced concepts of OOPS and Arrays and their types. The student will implement the concepts of encapsulation and arrays in the project.

- Java OOPs Concept-Object and Class
- Java Constructors
- Static and this Keyword
- Inheritance and its Types
- Polymorphism
- Super and Final Keyword
Exception Handling and Multithreading
In this section, students will learn, the usage of multithreading and exception handling in real-life projects. Also, implement the methods and function inside the project.
- Introduction to Java, Setting up the editor
- Variables,Datatypes and Operators
- Decision Making in Java
- Looping and Loop Control Statement
- Mini Project - Menu Driven Maths Project
- Function
Advance OOPS Concepts and Arrays
This section covers the advanced concepts of OOPS and Arrays and their types. The student will implement the concept of encapsulation and arrays in the project.

- Java Abstract Class
- Java Encapsulation
- Arrays and its types
Learning Outcomes
- Learn High Programming skills using Java
- Ability to use logic and apply conditions in different kinds of programs
- Learn classes and objects
- Grasp the knowledge of Multithreading and Multitasking
Skill Benefit
- Increase Abstract Thinking
- Logical Thinking
Database (SQL Programming) and Advance Java
Learn to code on Netbeans IDE(Java tool) to develop web, enterprise, desktop, and mobile applications using Java.
Also imply Learn React JS (Javascript Library) to build fast, scalable, and large web applications or UI components.

Overview of Database and SQL Programming
This section covers the Database introduction with SQL command using DDL and DML Statements.
- Introduction to Database, DBMS and RDBMS
- Overview of SQL
- Data Defination Commands
- DML Commands
- Operators
SQL Queries Implementation
This section covers the SQL queries using Joins and Subqueries. The student will implement one database on Real Applications.
- Joins
- Sub Queries
- Nested Queries
- Constraints
- Functions
- Order By Group By
- Procedures
- SQL Injection
- SQL Implementation in Database
Advance Java with AWT
This section covers the advanced concepts of Java using AWT. The student will implement the GUI application using the AWT toolkit.
- AWT Basics and Event Handling
- AWT Button, Label and Text Field and Text Area
- Checkbox, CheckBox Group
- Choice, List and Canvas
- Menu item, Menu and Panel
- Dialog, Action Listener, Mouse Listener
- Key Listener and Close AWT Window
- Mini Project
Advance Java with Swings
This section covers the database introduction with SQL command using DDL and DML statements.
- Introduction to Swings and why Swing, Difference between AWT and Swings
- JButton, JLabel and JTextField
- JTextArea, JLabel and JPasswordField
- JTable, JList
- JMenuItem, JMenu, JPopupMenu
- JProgresBar, JColorChooser
- JTabbedPane, Jslider
- JDialog, JPanel
- JFileChooser, JToggleButton
- JIPFounder and WordCounterProject
Learning Outcomes
- Learn Database and how to store the real world data in local storage
- Learn Advance concepts of Java with AWT and Swings
Skill Benefit
- Enhance Logical Thinking
- Critical Thinking
Level 1
30 Hours
- 1:1 Personalised and Customised Live Sessions
- Access to E-Learning Resources and Community
- After-Class Assignments and Quizzes
- Work on Real-Time Projects
- Course Level Completion Certificate
- 24x7 Customer Support
Level 2
38 Hours
- 1:1 Personalised and Customised Live Sessions
- Access to E-Learning Resources and Community
- After-Class Assignments and Quizzes
- Work on Real-Time Projects
- Motivational Sessions
- Course Level Completion Certificate
- 24x7 Customer Support
Level 3
40 Hours
- 1:1 Personalised and Customised Live Sessions
- Access to E-Learning Resources and Community
- After-Class Assignments and Quizzes
- Work on Real-Time Projects
- Personality Development Sessions
- Mindfullness Activity
- App Deployment
- 24x7 Customer Support
- Course Completion Certificate
Java Programming with 3D Games and ReactJS
108 Hours
- Personalised Learning
- Deploy your own project and App
- Focus on Personality Development
- Focus on Extra Curriculum Activities
- Access of E-learning portal, Project Gallery and Community
- Course Completion Certificate
- Prepare for Course Certifications
Java NetBeans, 3D Games and React JS
Learn Netbeans IDE(Java tool) to develop web, enterprise, desk top, and mobile applications in Java.
Learn to use React JS (Javascript Library) to build fast, scalable, and large web applications or UI components.
Advance Java - Netbeans
This section covers the overview of Netbeans and how to implement CRM projects using UI Components.

- Netbeans Installation and Simple Demo of Calculator in Netbeans
- Billing Management
- Library Management
- Super Market Management System Part 1
- Super Market Management System Part 2
- Super Market Management System Part 3
- Super Market Management System Part 3

3D Games in Java
In this section, students will create 3D games using Java concepts.
- Java 3D Games - Minecraft
React JS
This section covers what students will learn about the ReactJS library and how to develop web and mobile applications easily using this tool.
- React JS Introduction
- Installation
- Components
- React States
- React Props
- Events and Validations
- Mini Project
- List
- Keys
- Reference
- Fragments
- Animation
- Bootstrap in ReactJS
- Forms in React
- React CSS Styling
- React Mini Project
Major Project
- Minecraft Game
- Messaging App
Learning Outcomes
- Develop real life projects
- Develop 3D Games using Java
- Create Web and Mobile Apps using ReactJS
Skill Benefit
- Expert in UI Designing and Analytical Skills