Video Games that will Improve your IQ

Video Games that will Improve your IQ

Video Games have always been an enemy between children and their parents.  But what if I tell you that it’s not alright to call them enemies? Frenemies, if you will? Before you stop reading further, let me tell you playing video games (of course in moderation) is...

Technology For Kids: Benefits And Drawbacks

Is technology for kids a boon or a curse? If used in the right way, it can do wonders for your kid’s overall brain development. If it’s not, there can be some serious consequences. “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” -Christian Lous...

Coding In Your Day To Day Life

We are all aware that we live in a tech-savvy world. And as the role of technology has grown, coding skills have become more crucial. But are you aware of how you use coding in your day to day life? Most of you believe that coding is only essential for those with a...

Coding And Space in 2021

Did anyone ever tell you that you couldn’t make a change in the world? And why not? Who says you can’t make a difference in the world? Have you ever heard about coding and space? If not, hear it now! Well, history says that whatever is not achievable today...